Thursday, July 28, 2011

Monday, July 25, 2011

Exposition Thumbnails

Page 1: No dialogue, but if there are titles I think they could go here.

Page 2:

- Panel 2: (sounds effect) BONK

- Panel 3:

- Angry tavern person (not seen): “AND STAY OUT”

- Title: Theodore Barnaby: The Worst Bard

Page 3:

- Panel 1: TB: “Sigh”

- Panel 2: “It’s hard to be an artist.”

- Panel 3: “No one understands!”

- Panel 4: “Hey!”

- Panel 5:

“Unhand me, you-“


Page 4:

- Panel 1: TB: “What’s this?”

- Panel 2: (sound effect) Tkch

- Panel 3: TB: “A dragon, huh?”

Page 5:

- Panel 1:

- TB: “I’ve heard dragons hoard magical items. Maybe this one has a magical instrument, one that could make me a less mediocre musician…”

- “That would be…”

- Panel 3:

-TB: “Well, what would you know!”

- “You’re just a pony!”

- Panel 4:

- Mysterious Silhouette (CC): “You’re actually right.”

- TB: “Ah!”

- MS: “That dragon’s got to be really rich.”

Page 6:

- Panel 1:

- MS: “And with the reward the king’s offering for it…”

-Panel 2:

- MS (revealed as CC): “That’ll make me one rich hero.”

- Title: “C. Cloudsworth: Dragonslayer???”

Page 7:

- Panel 1: TB: “You’re kind of skinny for a dragon killer.”

- Panel 2: CC: “I can manage.”

- Panel 3:

- TB: “No need to get defensive!”

- “What’s your name, adventurer?”

- Panel 4:

- CC: “Uh”

- “Claude.”

- Panel 5:

- TB: “Rhymes with ‘applaud’ and ‘maraud’?”

- CC: “Y-Yup.”

Page 8:

Panel 1:

- TB: “Cool! I’m Theo Barnaby, I’m a musician!”

- “We…”

Panel 2:

- TB: “We should team up!”

- “Against that dragon?”

Panel 3: CC: “Hmmmm.”

Panel 4:

- CC: “Okay.”

- TB: “Yaaay!”

Page 9:

- TB: “Adventure awaits!”

- Title: “And so the quest begins”

Edited by Anaiira: Some Really Excellent Critique: Found here.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Posting Rotation!

Rotations last for 2 weeks. Plan ahead folks!

If you're not on this list and you would like to be, please post in the comments and you will be added to the end of the list.


1. Gearfish (Due Aug 6th) COMPLETED!
2. Iwa (Due Aug 20th)
3. Anaiira (Due Sept 3rd)
4. Bulba (Due Sept 17th)
5. eatmybrains (Oct 1st)

Friday, July 22, 2011

Theodore Barnaby

Age: ???
Gender: Male
Something important to know:
- He is an absolutely terrible bard.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Claudia Cloudsworth

AKA: Claude
Age: ???
Gender: Female
Something important to know:
- She does not dress like a woman.


1. Keep it PG13 folks. (No sex, no porn.)
2. Don't harass other people.
3. Do not use the comic for illegal purposes.
4. No one is allowed to sparkle unless you can find and document a related medical illness and provide a background for why said person has such an illness.
5. Everyone is allowed to post -- this is a learning experience. However, this doesn't mean you can slack off.
6. If you would like to join, please either post a comment at this blog post or email me at arianna(dot)meh(at)gmail(dot)com.